Home 9 Crystal Grace

Crystal Grace

“The Khmer civilization that grew to unify most of Southeast Asia between the 8th-14th centuries respected women. Today, we still see their temples filled with images of sacred women –termed devata, apsara or Khmer goddesses – who embody the feminine forces of the universe. While women and goddesses appear as icons in many ancient and modern societies, the Khmers gave sanctified women dominance over their state temples more consistently and more visibly than any other group.”

Source: www.devata.org

Preah Neang Thmar

The goddess of fire. She is associated with the transformative and purifying power of flames and is often invoked for protection against fire-related disasters.

Preah Neang Thmar

The goddess of fire. She is associated with the transformative and purifying power of flames and is often invoked for protection against fire-related disasters.


Angkor part 1: ROOTS

Ogni pietra racconta una storia, ogni radice riconduce a un inizio…

Angkor part 2: TEMPLES

“Dicono che la cultura Khmer fosse grandiosa….”

All text

Naga & Buddha

“Si diceva che i Naga fossero divinità custodi del mondo.
Si diceva anche che la parola “Naga”…”


Psa Kraom

“… Le candele e le torce led creano dipinti che ti invitano a entrare, i volti delle donne sono ritratti inconsueti…”

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